Ultimate Planner Sale

Arts and Crafts by Tabztabz
Hello Tabztabz!
My name is Julie Ann, owner of Arts and Crafts by Tabztabz (*-*)v I’m so excited to be part of this Ultimate Planner Winter Sale this January 24th-26th. I started my business doing some customized for my family and friends. (*-*)v And I come up an idea and begin to create a cute character for our shop SNOEY AND NIXIE - it was piggy kawaii style that describe ourselves being Filipino and Chubby and our lifestyle. Snoey is the head of the family (Mr. Gi) in real life and Nixie is the most beautiful and make sure everything is fine with Snoey that’s me (Mrs. Julie). We still open for customized sticker label, printing, tags, gifts, DIY and many more. We are located at San Francisco, California USA. (*-*)v
Check out our shop, We sell a variety of Tabztabz Family (Snoey and Nixie) own unique personalities and themed goodies, including the stickers, bags, shirts and more!
https://linktr.ee/artscraftsbytabztabz (Shopify, Etsy Shop, Facebook, Instagram)
Please support our small business. Thank you so much..
Arts and Crafts by Tabztabz
1. First 20 orders will get swap sampler from selected participated shop.
2. All orders will also get swap sampler from our shop. And additional freebie, "US Holiday Script Words" from our shop..
3. Orders above US$25 will get a 5 random vinyl stickers themed "Snoey and Nixie"
4. Orders above US$35 will get a 5 random vinyl stickers themed "Snoey and Nixie" and 2 random sticker sheets themed "Snoey and Nixie"
5. Orders above US$45 will get a 5 random vinyl stickers themed "Snoey and Nixie", 2 random sticker sheets themed "Snoey and Nixie" and 1 handmade notepad.